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Various Options To Deliver Real Time Notifications

If you wish to deliver (or) push data from your web server to your web application running in a browser in real time, you have 4 options at the time of writing this post (2022).

  1. Polling / Long Polling.
  2. Server Sent Events (SSE).
  3. Websockets.
  4. WebPush


Polling and Long Polling has …

Notes from Clean Architecture

These notes are from Clean Architecture book by Robert C.Martin (Uncle Bob) for my self-reference and will be updated as I progress through the chapters.

Part 1 - Introduction

  1. Both Architecture and Design points to same things in software development (Low-level and high-level details).
  2. The goal of Architecture is to …

Metaprogramming Elixir Notes - 1

For the past 6 months, I have been exploring Elixir language and it's ecosystem. Elixir is a dynamic functional language. It compiles to bytecode to run on BEAM (Erlang's Virtual Machine) similar to how Java code is compiled to bytecode to run on JVM. There are fundamental differences between BEAM …

Clojure Notes 1

Started learning another general purpose programming language called Clojure which speaks lisp dialect and runs on top of JVM. Thanks to Kamalavelan for creating an interest for me to learn clojure and particularly the book titled, Clojure For The Brave and True by David Higginbotham is very enjoyable. https://nostarch …

Learnings From Building Offline First Web App

I wrote a web app recently. The purpose of the web app is to map the cooperatives around us. I'll speak about the intentions behind it in another post, for now let us focus on the Offline First approach of this app. The application is hosted here live.

Initial Version …

Whispering Pictures - Beware

This is the english version of the tamil post that I wrote for FSFTN's blog.

We come across a lot of new people throughout our life. There is a reason we call them strangers. Not everyone wins our trust and vice-versa. We don't reveal much about ourselves to those strangers …

P2P File & URL Sharing App on LAN

For the past 1 week, I have been working on a peer-to-peer File and URL sharing app and I have named it as Transceiver (the ability to transmit and receive data). I would like to log the progress of what I have done so far.

There are various reasons, why …

Cross Compilation in Go

Recently I have started to explore the Go programming language or golang in short. Go is a compiled language which can produce standalone binaries for the go programs, which means the receiver of this binary need not have go compiler and the libraries that this program is dependent installed on …

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